Woolly Woodland
I discovered I had several oddments of green yarn in various shades, so took them - and some brown - over to LMB's house when I went to babysit this afternoon. We screwed up lengths of yarn to make trees and trunks to create a woodland scene. LMB spotted some red in my bag and suggested we could add red leaves on the ground to look like autumn. So we did. She said it was The Spinney (where we went yesterday). She told me she loves "crafting".
Her mummy wasn't gone long, but LMB's lip trembled as she left. (This is new since she started Nursery three mornings a week.) We cuddled on the sofa for some time, till the little girl asked was Mummy sick? So I explained she was seeing a special nurse called a midwife and, no, she wasn't sick. (Not the time for her to learn about RA!) After which she cheered up. So much goes on in that little head, bless her!
Every time we're at her house nowadays she asks if we're going to 'leep there. So we've said we will sleep there one night soon. She's now looking forward to our sleepover...
PS Can you guess which is the Daddy Tree?!
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