Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


 “One morning I shot an elephant in my pyjamas. How he got in my pyjamas, I don't know. Then we tried to remove the tusks. . . . But they were embedded so firmly we couldn't budge them. Of course, in Alabama the tusks-are-loosa, but that is entirely ir-elephant to what I was talking about.”  

Groucho Marx, Animal Crackers


This morning I unlocked the car in my pyjamas. What the car was doing in my pyjamas I’ve no idea. Maybe it was making a trunk call to the elephant in Groucho’s pyjamas …

I had a productive day. Work, the dump, tidying, admin, finances, shopping. But incredibly for me I chilled out in the afternoon and watched two hours of television. Lord of the Rings is getting feisty and Stranger Things is getting stranger.

Good day.

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