Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Tuesday fun

Lie in to start with, then faffed about getting ready before going to the supermarket.
Collected some dollars - not a good rate at tge moment!

On to our daughters for coffee and catch up. With Caleb at school this is Austin/mummy time. He is so full of energy and a cheeky chappie too.

Home for lunch, then on to visit AJ. She was on good form today. I cut her finger nails whilst there - she said they won’t cut her fingernails, but I thought that was part of personal care. I can understand laying fir your toenails, but not fingernails. They have cut them before - need to investigate further.

Back home, tea then feet up.
I’d worked out that the wool i had started the crochet project with (see Sunday) was the wrong wool, so started all over again this evening with a regular baby double knit. Working well so far.


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