electric glass

By electricglass

Day 12. Tendril

Wow! My first word that a real, tangible item!!
n. the slender, twining part of a plant.

I was hoping to find some plant that was I little more of a climber. But this one will do. So you know what tendrils are they are the curly little offshoots. They Like to reach out and grasp onto surrounding objects or climb up buildings.

Again for this photo I aimed my camera straight into the sky to get this. Turned my flash on. and snapped away.

Funny thinking back to being a kid. We had a grape vine in the garden and I loved playing with the dried tendrils. Picking them off the wires once the plant had wilted away for the winter. Leaving them clinging onto wires all alone in the world.

Adjustments were as follows.
Standard square cropping.
Lowered Exposure. Upped Black point, Contrast, Definition, Vibrancy, Highlight, Shadows, High Tonal Width and Mid Contrast.

Lastly I clone stamped out a small branch from another encroaching plant.

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