A beautiful morning
for a bimble with Indie. Glorious sunshine, birdsong, shades of Autumn everywhere. Bracken turning, berries ripening, crabapple trees laden with fruit. Love crabapple jelly.
Got another batch of spicy tomato sauce bubbling away on the stove. Using my tomato harvest as it ripens. Not touched the Roma tomatoes yet.
I planted a block of red onions up on the plot this morning, still have beetroot, spinach, leeks, & carrots ready when we need them, plus some great looking sprouts. My first time of any success with brassica.
I cut the hedge, & mowed the "lawn" (patch of grass) at the front of the house before it started to rain. It was'nt much, but perfectly timed for lunch. Grass cuttings went to the compost bin, conifer clippings saved to mulch my blueberries when I move them which will be soon.
Another productive day.
Thank you all for your comments & good wishes, they're much appreciated. X.
The patient is being very well behaved at present. :-D
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