Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Happiness is - walking with friends

I was able to arrange for extra cover today, so I went on the Intermediate walk from Allendale.

Although it was grey, we escaped the worst of the rain, which came later in the afternoon. (It certainly rained then!)

We were rather slow today because of all the stiles. It's a lovely route. Despite all the mud, the only person to slip over was our leader, Cliff. 

Back at home, Mum had too many visitors and phone calls. It's just the way it worked out. I had contacted the Northumbrian Healthcare OneCall number this morning, to say we needed a special turning stand to help Mum transfer from wheelchair to bed, etc. By the end of the afternoon, a lovely occupational therapist had visited and placed an order. We are hoping this will be in stock and arrive by the end of the week.  It's a great service.

Tonight, I went to see A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen, on at the Queens Hall in Hexham. What a terrific production. It was long, but Julie stayed with Mum until I was home again.

What an enjoyable day.

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