Strike that. Reverse it!


Friday feeling!

Day off today as lots to do in preparation for tomorrow. Didn't start well at all. Late for school! We are never late for school, well not that late so the doors are closed! Especially when its Mikeys door :( Mikey really doesnt like breaking rules and being late is really not good. The only thing which could make it worse would be to forget his jacket. Yep, I did that too! Great start to the day. It was a lovely day and jackets not really needed but its not so simple with Mikey. He needs to have his jacket. Anyhow, a dash home and then back to school sorted that.

So I was quite stressed by the time I'd finished going to school and really not feeling that Friday feeling. I thought I'd quickly nip to the Parish church and take some photos. As soon as I got there and saw this beautiful tree I calmed. It always amazes me how quickly being out with my camera cheers me up. Just time on my own with my camera seems to fix everything. I've had a lull in blips recently but I need to start making time to get out. All work and no play is making me a miserable Gem. So from now on I'm going to start going out again, even if its just 15 minutes like today.

Right I've waffled enough, need to bath the boys and early to bed as we have a very busy day tomorrow. Hope you all have a great weekend. xxx

I've just spotted this blip from this date last year is the exact blip I've had in mind everyday this week, but when I went to get it today the trees weren't in blossom! I did think it was about this date but wasn't sure.

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