A life lived backwards

By GailyWhaley

Life on the edge.

The kittiwake colony in Newcastle is the most inland in all of the UK. I could watch them all day, bouncing around on the air currents and smiling as they go past the window.

I was going to take a pic of a kittiwake surfing the thermals (that's on thermals not in thermals!) and I did!

However, I went off to meet Beloved at lunchtime. I heard the siren just as I left work...the bridge was going up. I could never have made it across so decided to go to the viewing platform at the Baltic and this is what greeted me! It was like watching a bird soap opera. Lots of fighting and squawking!

Got back down to find the bridge just opening and Superman (yes Superman) running across whilst the man on the tannoy shouts 'Is it a bird or is it a plane!

It's a funny old place!

Happy Friday evening all. Have the best weekend!

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