All that jazz

By frankbrett

Day 6

Went to an amazing Salvador Dali exhibition in Siena in the morning. I couldn't believe how many of his pieces they had in one place - mostly sculptures . You could even buy some of his work, from sketches and prints to small sculptures (1,500 to 28,000 Euros). Really impressive.

In the afternoon, we decided to walk to a booked wine tasting at the San Giorgio a Lapi winery about 8km out of town. On the way there, we got caught in a thunderstorm and got soaked. My X-T2 got wet in my backpack and started playing up. The rear LCD stopped working a week later (trying to see about a repair). Picture of the wine / local meats tasting and the iconic Tuscany cypress trees are from my phone.

Enjoyed the wine tasting though - even bought a couple of bottles.

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