Place: St Pete Beach, FL 64/74
Main activity: Wed - Hurricane Ian
Notes: Woke to rain and wind that continued to worsen thru the day. We took Raleigh out first thing and some throughout the day. This side of the big building was quite sheltered but the other side huge winds and driving rain. At least 5 palms uprooted looking on the golf course to the south. Power flickered some but never went out. Day went pretty well and we just hung around watching the updates. It made landfall at 155 mph in Ft Myers and again 145 mph around Cape Coral - lots of flooding and damage there. We had scrambled eggs & toast for brunch, basmati rice with Indian for late lunch and then Bette had soup later. Afternoon nap and my night sleep in the little bedroom was good. We feel very lucky and blessed to have it so mild here. Heard from Joe in Sarasota - they lost power and wicked winds (10 miles inland but they got hit more than we did). Was a nice day with candles and music at times, looking at Zillow properties, chatting and resting. This pic is from the lower level parking looking out toward the street (northeast). 

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