
This was a very unexpected blip. I had decided today's blip would be a rather strange glowing bulldog shaped lamp, complete with heavy duty chain around it's neck, which I couldn't decide if I liked or not. As I popped around the corner to get a shot of it I turned to my right and saw this reflection of myself taking the photo. What a huge mirror. I decided to snap this as well.

Mr H came back from Miami and is covered in mosquito bites.....on telling me this I should have borrowed one of those devices they use to smoke bees during honey harvesting.... On seeing the bites I felt like I was onto a loser and sure enough one has smelled fresh blood and now my arm has swollen up! Arrrggghhhh....bad karma!

Happy Bank Holiday Weekend to those blippers who are fortunate to have an extra long weekend. I plan to do quite a bit of study and I'd love to get a couple of decent walks in ......fingers crossed!

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