
By NancyDrew

Happy Feet!!

Lovely day off xx

Lay in till 0940....bliss x

Followed by Shellac Nails as pictured (nod to PixiePix) x I will never do my own nails again......20 minutes all done dry and everything !! x

Followed by hair cut and colour.....much more blonde for the summer :) x

The sun was shining so dropped into Homebase for gardening bits and bobs, slightly optimistic having now seen the weather forecast for tomorrow :(

All in all a very pleasant, girly day xx

* - I forgot to add the disappointing bit of my day..... :( I found out that Western Australia Police are recruiting in the UK end of this year!! Unfortunately when I checked the small print I have too much service xx The visas are only for those with between 3 and 7 years x :( so that's that shelved,......for now x

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