
From the effects of the Covid jab, I got worse as the day progressed yesterday.
I got sleepier and sleepier. It began to get frightening. And a weird thing. Time stretched. Each time I looked at the time, only a few minutes had passed, but it felt like it was an eternity since I last looked at the time. Each time I fell asleep, it felt as though I had slept a long sleep, but I had only been asleep a few minutes.

There was no beginning nor end of time yesterday. It was just a huge void. With no constraints of knowing the time of day. The actual figures on the digital clock meant nothing to me. They were numbers with no meaning. I didn't have the capability of of putting even one thought in my mind, let alone two thoughts to be able to do something.

There was no past, nor present, nor future yesterday. I remembered nothing of the past. It was just this present moment, which had no meaning to me, played for infinity. Normally my mind is going all the time playing flashbacks of the past, and ideas of paintings, and my mind plays little 'videos' of stuff I did with J, and more. This is every day, all the time. My mind never stops. But my mind was an empty void yesterday. I had no substance.

This morning, I have woken up and it is like a switch has been flicked. I think I am on the way back to normal. I shall find out as the day progresses.

Thinking about yesterday scares me. Also I am not sure if I took my tablets, or fed the cats, or fed myself.

So, no work done on the trail cams, nor videos posted. Can't do a drawing or painting yet this morning. But I can point and shoot at that lone sunflower. Creative is a photograph of the sunflower.

A cuppa tea now...and my tablets...

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