Fallopia baldschuanica
Or Bukhara Bindweed suspended over the wall of the Coop car park. It's lovely to see it but I gather, as it's related to knotweed, that it's invasive. Nice to see flowers out this late in the year. My Michaelmas Daisies and Rudbeckia bought last year failed totally.
It was weakly sunny this morning but while we were at the market, the wind grew stronger and splashes of rain fell round about us while were at Finkins.
It was the kind of rain we've needed for a long time, intense but not torrential. It grew dark and the temperature dropped. Len drove to Loughborough for his Covid jab, we stopped off at Aldi's so I could buy some curry sauces and then we came home.
The electric blanket has gone on the bed now.
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