We didn't mean to do it

Our car has been causing a few problems for a while now, and slowly writing it's trade-in ticket.  The never-ending 'what car do we get' conversation has been going on for a while, and we settled on a volvo estate.  I found us one that looked like exactly what we wanted and booked an appointment to go and see it today.  The response I had was luke warm, yes, come, but we are busy as it's month end so expect slow service.  We turned up late, admittedly, and after a 15 minute wait, were turned away for being late and they were too busy to see us.  So we went across the road to look at the Skoda dealership, given we had made the trip to town, and on Wednesday I'm going back to collect a very nice Skoda SUV, which is not at all what we set out to get, but I'm very excited about it and it's perfect. Having studied marketing, and customer relationships, this is exactly where you loose customers, which volvo did, we knew the car and had the money ready. Best thing is, we got the better car as a result. 

In other news, the eldest was dreadfully upset at school today.  I tried a new tactic with him, that wasn't necessary, I said he could go to the shop and choose a sweet to have if he got all his spellings right.  He practised so hard all week, but didn't get them all right.  I felt dreadful, he didn't need that pressure, and of course we went to the shop anyway, he worked his little socks off - and got full marks in his times tables test (youngest got full marks for his spellings).  We won't be using the tactic again! 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Volvo being too busy to see us, they did us a favour! 
Lunch time with the husband, we had fun
The eldest, who takes his school work so seriously. 

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