Not Quite A Sunrise

But it was the best I was going to get and it wasn't that long until the rain arrived, which has been on and off all day.

Once again plans to do a conical box went by the board - a lot of that was due to the damned bandsaw playing up again. So I basically dismantled it, changed the gearing for the speed (that was fun ...  Not!) and we will see how long it lasts before going wonky again.

What I ended up making were a couple of Japanese sake drinking vessel inspired things.
I wanted to embellish one of them with some micro glass balls I found the other day. Do you think I can find them? Can I heck as like.
However, I got a discount voucher from the local craft shop which came 'live' today, so off we went to the craft shop to get some. I think half the population of the County were trying to get into/out of the car parks and traffic was gridlocked. But I did something I would never normally do and went in an exit which nobody was using for some reason.
The shop had no micro beads, so I got some coloured wire instead (no point in not using the voucher). I went out the same way I went in .... no gridlock for me!.

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