An Unexpected Journey

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Today I worked from home although I'll be honest "working" is pushing it a bit. I didn't have too many meetings so drank lots of tea and played with spreadsheets. 

And chatted to my lovely friend Ellie who was in wild good humour and made me laugh until I cried. 

I also had a lovely chat with Fazzy and Shahier which Caro joined. It was all about Fazzy's new house and she is still just bubbling over with excitement. I could tell she NEEDED to talk to Caro about it and the two of them had a great time sharing plans while Shahier and I looked a bit worried.

But Caro had bad news; her mum is not well and in hospital. I am hoping it is nothing too serious (it sounds like gastro). But given this is Caro's mum, potentially anything is dangerous. So Caro is going to fly up to Tauranga tomorrow morning.

For some reason this feels harder than when she normally goes away. Normally we cope just fine but having this sudden departure makes missing her more... um... well just MORE.

She feels the same way and has already started giving me instructions on cat-care and bird-care and all the things. She wants to make sure all her little friends will be fine without her. 

As for me, Jefe, Manda and Mo have ALREADY offered to come over tomorrow night to keep me company.

And little Digi here will do the same, I'm sure.


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