the blink of an eye

By weedave

singin in the rain

well nearly

today the weather was to say the least...mingin ( for those not in Scotland this means wet and miserable)

so me being the kind and considerate neighbour I am decided it was the perfect day to burn all some a small amount of all the wood I have lying about , to do this however was not a simple task as first I had to clear a space behind my garage which to all intent and purpose has been the dumping ground for all manner of crap for about the last 4 years ... hence the now half filled skip sitting in my drive .... I also started to prune trim hack my beach hedge down as it is no longer a nice neat 4ft hedge but a 10-15 ft monster ----ended up using the chainsaw ( any excuse !!!)
needless to say I got a tad wet ...ok I got soaked even with full waterproofs on.... not a pretty sight I may add ...

the pic is of the sparks from the fire barrel ( the wind picked up just at the right time )..... now a smouldering /glowing lump out the back... needles to say the back garden is a quagmire and full of hedge cuttings, my drive way is covered in junk and the floors in the house are covered in mud.... so what's where's that cider ??
hope you all stayed dry....Enjoy

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