
As I progress with my ‘grand sort out’ I’m discovering all manner of things, and amongst today’s gems was a collection of R’s special tee shirts from the period when she was 4 to 11years. 

This one coincides with the London Marathon being run today which I have watched intermittently throughout the day on the TV. I have a great deal of admiration for everyone who has taken part in London and virtually in their own space. 

The first London Marathon was held in 1981. We were living in Morayshire at the time and B applied unsuccessfully for a place. 22,000+ people applied, don’t know how many got places, but only 7,741 completed the race.

He applied again in ‘82, no luck, but he was able to purchase merchandise and bought R this tee. When she was little, 3 years plus, she would wait for him to come back from his long Sunday morning training session, about 18-20 miles. They would then go out to do a cool down run for B, about a mile. She would run alongside him, talking nonstop about all sorts of things. Her biggest risk was falling over because she wasn’t looking where she was going. This was precious time for her and B as he was in the RAF and we had spells when he was away from home and we were on our own. 

I was never a runner, the best I could do with her was the fun run in Cooper Park, in Elgin. She was faster than me, but as she was too young to run on her own, she had to put up with me accompanying her. 40+ years later I can still hear the little voice of my unofficial coach, encouraging me with on with the words ‘you can do it mummy, just run a bit faster, I’m so proud of you’ !!! 

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