Cats & Dogs

By thecatsmother

Queen of Cats!

It's been lovely again today, I caught Faerie relaxing in the sunshine.
I'd gone out to see what she was up to as she had been stamping about, singing the song of her people and then suddenly gone quiet, I feared she had brought in a mousey or something, but no!... just eeeee-owing at the sunshine!

Had family round for supper last night so an early start with a bacon sandwich and some chores... Mainly reloading the dishwasher as I had hurled it all in with a devil may care attitude last night, but the gratin dish created problems so most of it needed another go around!

Got some washing out too, nothing but glamour and hedonism here of a Sunday

I have Strictly to catch up on too before the one tonight, I must look at the timings, although tbh if you whizz through all the drivel you can get it done in pretty short order!

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