Friday night TV

And relax, it is the weekend.

Rich has had a cold all week and I have it as well now.  We have both done Covid tests and it does 'just' seem to be a cold.  I spent the evening after dinner relaxing on the sofa with Holly.

It had been a busy day at work but I got a few things finished, lots more to do!  I had a chat about the permie role and was given some detail.  The managers seem quite sure it is something I can do but it is a step up from what I am doing now and a management role.  I had a think about it and it really is not something I want to be doing.  I do sometimes find my role a little boring but am told new things are coming and really do not want a role which is more responsibility and possible hassle. The obvious risk with things as they are, is that I am a contractor and might not be extended.  However, I think I am going to stay as I am and not apply.

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