Another sunshiny day
after a damp start. I drove up to Hennock to drop off frozen blackberries, & gooseberries plus a bottle of my blackberry syrup for Jane to sample with her G&T. I picked up eggs from Pixiewood on the way back down.
Indie was waiting for my arrival inside the front door. She knows the routine. Wellie boots needed again today as plenty of rain overnight. The fungi were looking fabulous, perfect Fly Agaric, of course I did'nt have my phone on this mornings walk, so I drove back up to the heath with phone after dropping Indie off. Too wet underfoot to garden today so Mum & I had a Danish & coffee, then spent a couple of hours on the jigsaw puzzle.
Too nice to be indoors so after dropping hubby up to the pub I went to work on my plot. I turned some ground, adding well rotted manure, then covered for the winter. I lifted carrots & beetroot, cut the drying sunflower heads Bobby Robin turned up for his treat.
Did roast turkey for dinner tonight...
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