Place: St Pete Beach, FL 65/84
Main activity: Sun - bike, beach
Notes: Woke early and headed out on the bike well before sunrise, just as light was starting at the horizon. Directly over the Bayway bridge (uggh, was hard) and did the Pass-A-Grille / Vina del Mar route. Only did 10 miles and butt bones were aching! Has been 5 weeks since my final Texas bike ride (sooooo glad to be out of there!). Saw this duck-in-a-boat on the bike and then walked right by it later. Relaxed and had coffee and then got in the car and headed back to the same area, parked at Bette's and walked to the beach. Met a small group and we picked up some of the beach trash (wasn't much and was no hurricane debris left) so then we just sat and chatted for awhile. Got back around 1230p, took a shower, made some eggs and rice and then crafted 2 small sushi rolls w/ avocado & egg and had an eggroll and NA beer with. Felt like a lot but was good. Relaxed the rest of the day. Felt really tired/bit dizzy around 4p and laid down for 40 min and then felt better. Pretty overwhelmed most of the time trying to find a rental that is decent and I can afford. 

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