
By BikerJim

~An Artist Palette~

~My Vision Realized~

Taking this photograph tonight got me thinking about how I approach working an image. First and foremost, I start about a half-hour before sunset. I begin taking photographs then, trying to get a feel for the cloud formations and my camera. I know these pictures won't be used, but it gets me comfortable with the light and composition of my sky. So when the serious colors start appearing I'm not caught off guard, by that time I'm relaxed and at ease, knowing what needs to be done.

I then take some quick test shots, finding out where in the sky I need to get my exposure readings. Trying to expose for the highlight so they aren't blown out. I know that the darks will take care of them selves. You can always pull detail out of the shadows, but in blown-out highlights all detail is lost, unrecoverable and lost. I also shoot in RAW format, getting as much information in my photograph as possible.

When I get home I already have a feel for which capture might work, but I still cull and review each shot in my camera. Sometimes those shot get close to a hundred in number. When I've culled down to about 20 or so images its time to put them in the computer. Sometimes it's a coin toss as to which one makes the final cut, but once I've made that decision I know I have my artist palette, my vision is complete.

A sculptor starts with a block of stone, but he has a vision. That vision may change depending on the stones qualities, but the ultimate goal, the vision, doesn't change. In my post-processing I am the sculptor, or painter, looking at my stone, the palette. Making choices as needed, I work with my raw material. But back when I selected this final shot I knew my vision, and that I was obligated to produce it. Trying to be true to my minds eye.

Thanks for looking and reading, TucsonJim ;o)

The Larger Vision

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