
By Valerie1940

Back to ParkRun

For the first time since early June I did the ParkRun today! Of course I only walk it - I can’t run, but there is within the ParkRun a section for ParkWalkers and this month Littleport are promoting this hoping to get more people who, like me, can only walk. So today instead of only me  and the ‘Tail Walkers’ volunteers, there were 6 others at the start. 4 had to stop quite soon as one of them really could not manage so needed to go home but the others said they would come again. A friend of mine who walks/runs regularly mentioned she was doing a challenge which entailed walking or running your age in Km during the month of your birthday, by your birthday.  She is a bit younger than me and her birthday is on 17th - but she did it easily  - mine is the 31st which would give me the maximum possible number of days to do it!
So, can I walk 82 Km by the end of this month?  Well I did 5 today so, who knows - watch this space!

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