
By stujphoto


I wish to thank all of you who so kindly viewed, commented and rated my 200th Blipday image. It pushed me into Spotlight for the very first time which obviously gives you a bit of a rush. Spotlight, of course, has its own dynamics and ensurres that your viewing figues expand exponentially. I guess my next challenge is to make Spotlight without the extra support that a special Blipday garners ! It did make me realise that perhaps the greatest gift that Blipfoto offers is the opportunity for lots of people to look at your images. Taking photographs is a lot of fun but having people look at your images is the icing on the cake.

After the excitement of my special Blipday my creative juices ran a bit dry yesterday. In the afternoon I had bought some nice lillies whilst doing our weekly shop and I thought I could maybe do something with them. However,as I went to pick up the vase of flowers from the mantelpiece I thought actually they look very nice where they were, why not blip the mantelpiece. Given that it was already evening my lighting had to be flash or tungsten and I chose the latter for gentle shadows and the domestic connotations it produces. Mind you compensating for the new economy light bulbs is not so easy, you can't just change your white balance to tungsten.

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