Amazing Shades Of Crimson

I was at the yard early this morning, I wanted to do some inhand work with Jack. I set up a maze of poles for him to walk over and to walk through, both great exercises to strengthen his (and my) core muscles. He’s getting much better at realising he has to lift his feet not to clobber them!

I also decided to try some desensitisation with him, by throwing some rugs in the school and teach him to not be worried about strange objects. I allowed plenty of time as the ultimate aim was to get him walking over them…he wasn’t bothered by them in the slightest and was quickly investigating and ended up happily wandering all over my nice clean rugs!

Mr Kit and I spent the afternoon pottering and we took Dylan for a nice long walk. As we walked back through the village I loved how the Virginia Creeper on one of the outbuildings on the Main Street had suddenly turned this amazing shade of crimson with black fruits and yellow flowers.

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