twinned with trumpton


Awake before 6 as Tom shambled out the door, heading for Dingwall. I made it back to sleep and Alex and I managed a more leisurely morning ahead of our trip to Methil.

Onto the late running 19; and Pensioner was aboard too, trying to get to the early kick off at Tynecastle against the blue half of the Ugly Sisters. Blippers, as well as everything else, he can run! We watched him sprint for a 44 on Shandwick Place. It's all true!

At 1235, Alex's phone went ping! A Hertz alert. The Rangers had scored already. I text Mr P. Did you make it in time for the opening goal. Sadly, yes can the reply. 

After McD's for Alex, we shuffled around the corner to find that the train strike was causing all the buses to run late; and eventually got aboard the X61 for Dundee. Rammed it wiz.

But. We made up time and at 1451 we disembarked at Leven bus station and bustled round to New Bayview and were inside just after kick off. Like Pensioner's game we too were to witness a goal in the 5th minute. The Binos are on good form at the moment. Mind you, we started strongly last year. However the 2nd quarter of the season was as poor as the first quarter had been excelelnt, so let's not have any chat about championships just yet.

2-1 up half time; a substandard pie was followed by a one sided second half but despite creating a multitude of chances, there were no further goals.

With time to kill afore the bus was due, we followed in the footsteps of IainatCreel and pottered along the sea front at Leven but emerged trolleyless and also Crail pottery bargainless too.

Home / Spanish bean stew / EFL / MOTD and Tom rolled in, 2-0 victors at Ross County and at the tender age of 15 had managed to buy himself a £5 pint of Tennants before kick off in the Mallard. Kids - they grow up so quickly. 

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