Not such an ugly duckling
I always thought of broad beans and brussels as the ugly ducklings of the veg world - only a few people really appreciate them. Having never grown broad beans before, and having ignored my mum's garden full of them when I was growing up (mainly because of the culinary crimes perpetrated on them once they were picked), I had no idea they had such beautiful flowers. These are in the garden at school, I think I'll hasten back with my close up filters tomorrow, weather permitting.
More mad busyness, and yet still I can't stop flapping my big mouth and volunteering for more work. So, an early blip today and a long night of photoshop ahead of me, broken up with yet more ironing (where does it come from? I'm convinced someone must be breaking into our house at night and adding to the pile. Either that or Mr B is surreptitiously taking in ironing for cash and just hoping I won't notice the extra.) Mr B's been working hard in Fife today, so I think we've both earned a very large curry and maybe a small glass of beer (or 8).
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