Tom Zimmerman

By Zimmt54

Ginkgo Tree - Bearer of Hope

The ginkgo is a living fossil that can live hundreds of years. The hearty ginkgo can even withstand the environmental stresses of urban areas. As a result, it is often planted as an ornamental tree in cities.

A testament to the gingko's heartiness and longevity: Four gingko trees in Hiroshima survived the atomic bomb blast on August 6, 1945 and are still alive today. As a result, the ginkgo tree is considered "the bearer of hope" and a symbol of peace.

The other amazing thing about ginkos is that late in November, on a single night not even near to freezing, ginkgo trees drop all their leaves in one consent. Not because of rain or wind, but because of some inner time signal.

Rebellion or surrender?

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