Young One

The other day I had been thinking that I hadn't spotted any young birds in the garden yet this year. I reckoned the poor weather must have had an effect on their mating season.

Then this morning, when the sun made a brief appearance, I spotted this little one sitting on the grass. He wasn't moving and was struggling to keep his eyes open. I wanted to take some photos check he was okay. He was slow to move but didn't let me get too close. He stopped for a little drink from the rainwater that had collected in the leaves of the plants in the border then he hopped into the rockery and onto the azalea bush. Once there, he let me get really quite close. After I got some shots he then jumped through the fence and flew away.

Part of me loves this shot and another part of me feels like it looks overprocessed. The truth is that no processing was done. I was very close and he was all puffed up against the cold.

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