3 Times

That is how many times I passed this lot (there are 3 others) this morning.
It should have only been once, but I found several miles away that a new delivery address had been sneaked onto the list so I had to go back.
After getting back on track I came across a bag of meals with a strange name on it.
Yep - it was the one that should have been delivered to the new address (2 lots of meals - not one!). So it was back again to get it sorted.

Bags had to go into Edinburgh this afternoon for a job interview so we were sitting the monsters after school.
When we asked The Cygnet what kind of day he had had, he told us that he had had a bit of bother from a group of other kids, but it had been sorted after talking to a teacher. He also told us that he and 2 mates had been given a note in the morning to go and see the year teacher (with another teacher) where they got a bollocking for calling another lad (who is a friend of them all) 'He' instead of 'They'.  Then is really went south.... the teachers were referring to the child as 'He'  .... and the claimed this was illegal and they could go to jail.
I was absolutely furious - but nothing compared to Bags and the SIL when they got home. SIL has sent an e-mail to the school demanding a meeting in the morning. 
I would love to be a fly on the wall for that.

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