Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce

There's a hole in the roof!

A challenging start to the day when we realised a section from the roof of my stock room (formerly our conservatory) had blown off during the night. Thankfully its mainly materials rather than finished products so most things should be OK again when they're all dried out. It's wedged back in with guerilla tape just now until we can get someone to sort it properly. Hoping it holds as I believe it's due to get windy again tonight.

Second challenge of the day was my laptop not switching on - unrelated to the leak but was watching over my shoulder wondering what else would occur. Thankfully nothing else untoward and I still managed an extremely busy but productive day making soap sponges (of course), diffusers and candles for Sandra Vick and several batches of candles for myself too.

I spoke to dad this evening, he's managed to go out for a drive - huge progress.

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