Two out of three

I would have preferred a full house! 

I had an appointment for a blood test this morning, so up early for me and all organised, when I got a call to say that the nurse was off sick and my appointment was cancelled. This happened last time and I had to wait for another two weeks for it to be done. I was prepared this time and said that I need it rescheduled for this week as I have a CT scan next week. I think that she was a bit shocked and has booked me an appointment for Thursday ……we await the day!! I do not want my scan to be delayed. 

The rest of the day went to plan. B and I had our booster Covid jabs at the grandstand in Lincoln. We were impressed with the organisation and efficiency. Our appointments were for 2.15, we arrived at 2.10 and were jabbed and back in the car by 2.23 to head off to the wholesalers. Shopping was done quickly, then home to walk the girls. 

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