Someone found the catmint......

The very fluffy and cute cat from round the corner was in the garden this afternoon and very friendly - that may have been the influence of a clump of catmint I've planted though! He/She was having a whale of a time rolling round in it!! My poor plant haha!!

Bit of a disaster today - had an appointment with a company to visit us at 10am to look over a new front door.... 10,30 and still no sign of them so we rang and they said they had the appointment down for the 12th!! That did not go down well with mum and dad!! So they are now hopefully coming on Friday instead.... we wait and see!

Then it was time for a quick supermarket visit and now safely indoors watching the wild and windy weather we have - while watching live coverage on Youtube of planes landing at Heathrow struggling with the same conditions! A few very bumpy landings today for the passengers to endure today!

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