Pottery Class

Despite the chaos of moving, I managed to make my 3rd pottery class of my 2nd term. I was hoping to paint my little house again but it hadn't been fired yet as it needed time to dry fully first. Instead I decided to try and throw 6 bowls of similar size. I wedged up 7 balls of clay and after a wobbly start I managed to get 6 bowls. Not quite identical but getting there. I threw on a batt attached to the wheel with a chamois cloth. A New technique I was shown which works if the cloth is wet enough. That means you don't have to handle the bowl too much while its still very wet. Next week I hope to trim them.

Then back home to sort some more bisqueware that I bought in my pottery equipment stuff. It was all packed in a hurry by the previous owner. She tried to keep a stock take but its chaos so I started again!!

I collapsed into bed.... or rather onto the mattress on the floor.... where I slept VERY well!

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