
By KCNQ2Haiku

Little red berries

Oversize pigeons
balance precariously
for their Berry Fix

Some lovely autumn sunshine today, the berries against the blue sky were lovely :-) This bush grows against a wall in our garden and there are no large branches or ledges for the birds to land on, it amuses me to watch them, the blackbirds try to hover and peck the berries off, kind of hummingbird style :-D and the pigeons crash into it, landing ungainly and then weighing the branch down heavily.  Neither tactic is very effective and the berries usually remain for quite some time through the autumn and into the winter.
Anyway, busy bits as usual today.  I had to get all my outside jobs done in super quick time as Mr KCNQ2Haiku needed the car to go and get his autumn covid booster and flu jab.  Hopefully he won't feel any ill effects and it's always nice to be protected.  Mine is next week, we get them as we class as parent carers for Ben as he's on the Learning Disability register.  We're grateful to be able to be covered as we neither of us can afford to be really ill when we need to look after Ben but you'll still no doubt hear me whinging about my dead arm next week!
Ben has been OK, he slept well last night and seems to have had a good day at school.  He's currently having a little play with grandma who popped over to see the boys, so he's in his element.  
I also had my haircut today which was quite an event, I worked out I hadn't had it done since December last year!  I confess I was starting to look quite feral.  By coincidence some new glasses came today, so I'm like a whole new person.  Older teen was a bit taken aback when he came in from school!  That's about it.  Very nearly Friday now :-D  

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