My Restless Lens

By terri365

Tapered Drone Fly

The days are just rolling into each other just now but I did have a full day in the office which is good because I promised a client drawings by the end of the week!  Nothing like cutting it fine!

I'm not consciously stressed but I was grumpy when I met my neighbour's dog in the woods on the soggy evening walk.  They have no control over it and it constantly tries to jump up on you.  The owner was nowhere to be seen and it came back and forth half a dozen times.  The third and forth time I shouted at it and forced it not to jump up on me.  My jacket (thankfully my really old one) is covered in mucky paw prints.  Not amused and if the owner had been there they would have gotten a mouthful!!!  Grrrrr!

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