I’ve not taken any photos today, but this came up on my memories feed. 9 years ago B exhibited some pictures in a pub for a month. When we collected them, on a Sunday, we decided to stay for their Sunday roast. I can honestly say it was the worst roast we had ever eaten, and we laughed about it for years afterwards!
I had the afternoon off as the gas man was coming. I don’t think he was here for even 5 minutes! Loosened the valve, checked the other end of the radiator and was on his way. Later I got the invoice - £99! I know B used BG for the servicing and repairs etc, but it is now on my to do list to investigate a better option. The local firm who came out a few weeks ago charged £40, and also checked something in the loft before he went.
As the gas man came early, I took the opportunity to go and get my flu jab and also visit the deli which sells Cook ready meals, which are a cut above the supermarket ones and top up my supplies for next week.
I realised this week, that despite persisting with the new glasses for several weeks now, I can actually see better without them on, and have left them off for driving. I got my old pair out today, and hey! Much better, so I have phoned the opticians and now have an appointment in a couple of weeks to check them out!
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