
By Houseonahill6

At last

Hurrah, Sadie has given birth at last. This is a screenshot of just after Sadie the donkey from Dalscone Farm Fun given birth.
I follow Dalscone on Facebook and have watched Sadie on Twitch for months especially after hearing Farmer Bens predictions of how close she was to giving birth. So this morning at 1.30am she produced this tiny little colt foal.
Luckily I had just checked on Twitch and saw that she was pushing and in full labour, not long after a foot appeared but no farmers. Just in time Farmer Pete arrived and then Ben and Joe. She delivered herself but the foal needed the membrane around it’s mouth removed as it did not break. Well done Sadie and we’ll done Farmers.
If you like farming life check out their Facebook page, they do lives nearly everyday , a family run farm with lots of interesting animals that you get to know really well. The banter is fun too :)

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