Return to the North

By Viking


While I am still not even close to a 100% yet I decided to go out with sis for a short walk today. I need the fresh air and the joy that comes from walking in nature.
We were going to go to Blacktoft An RSPB reserve about half an hour away but last minute changes meant we stayed closer to home (alkborough flats). Usually a spot for avocets and other waders but today no such thing, what is normally covered in water from the Ouse is bone dry and looks more like a field than a flooded plain.

On our wander back to the car I spotted a kestrel posing beautifully on the hide roof. Tipped sis off and then raised my camera but my autofocus (which I cannot work out how to override) refused to focus and it flew off before I could get a shot.
* do check out Aragon69/Dumbledorians blip if you want to see the kestrel!!!!

This swan managed to find a ditch to swim in

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