Bertie approves

Several months go, N and I had the germ of an idea  to purchase a new item of furniture for our living room. Over the years we have collected a variety of different chairs and a settee, some of which are no longer as comfortable as they once were. While watching a tv programme we spotted an L shaped seating unit and we both thought that this kind of set-up would do well in our room. So the search was on.

While in Dundee to have the camper van serviced back in June, we had time to spare so we had a look around a furniture store that we came across. This was not our first visit to such a place but here we found something that we both liked and was also extremely comfortable. After thinking about for a couple of days we decided to take the plunge and order it.

After waiting more than three months, our L-shaped settee was ready to be delivered. It arrived quite early in the morning and eventually, N and I managed to unpack and assemble it. It was just as comfortable as we remembered, and Bertie approves.

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