End of Summer Rose

We had a beautiful day. Hubby took the camper back to my mother’s. Guess he will winterize it soon. I had some mail to attend to, a load of rugs to wash, etc. My knock out rose bushes are almost finished for the season. It is truly time to pull them up and start over. Maybe that will be on our spring to do list. Decided to deadhead the butterfly bush. Gosh, there were so many stink bug babies. One even got into my mouth - ugh! My youngest called from NYC. She and Chase are on a four-day field trip with his class. Their itinerary sounds wonderful. Hubby cut the lawn. It stayed thick and green all summer. But that meant more work for him. I am responsible for all tree/shrub pruning because he knows he will go too far. So I cleaned up the three trees nearest our sheds. That will make lawn mowing so much easier in that area. Leftovers for dinner so we should have a quiet evening. We have (another) busy weekend planned. Wishing you a fun weekend. Thanks for the visit. Stay safe.
"Oh dear! is Summer over?
I heard a rosebud moan,
When first her eyes she opened,
And found she was alone"
- Oiver Herford

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