
By Lenore

Wedding dresses

I went to a talk this evening about wedding dresses.  The lady giving the talk made her dress (in the picture) and embroidered the waistcoat, I wanted to ask if she did it by hand or machine.  She was very interesting, although I already knew quite a bit of what she had to say, but a good evening out none the less. 

The youngest was delighted today as his class were allowed to take their favourite cuddly toy to school (they have been reading 'Dogger', which is about a cuddly toy).  The eldest, who has a very strong sense of fairness deemed this decidedly wrong as he did not have a day when he could take his cuddly toy to school and have it sitting on his desk. I have hopefully mended this tragedy by offering for his cuddly toy to come and watch him swim tomorrow (not the same, but accepted as a passable option). 

I had hoped to spend my last day of freedom before starting the new job sewing and generally having the day to myself, but of course I didn't! 

Today I'm grateful for: 
An evening out at the talk
Reading with both boys straight from school
New job on Monday, really looking forward to starting 

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