Drying Hydrangea
I'm now all set for a flower arrangement for the winter! By the time it needs to be dusted it will be spring and we should have flowers in the garden again.
Things are looking pretty nice in the garden considering the fact that this its best time of year. John has been cleaning out his shed (and setting several mousetraps.) I have been thinking about what we might put in our newly uncovered space by the front porch. We've called in reinforcements to move the rock. It seems like a tough assignment given the fact that it has to be lifted up a flight of stairs but I wouldn't put anything past Gustavo.
The postman drove up the driveway with my latest Stitch Fix parcel. He's really good about bringing parcels that won't fit in the mailbox up to our front door and, unlike our old Berkeley postman who was afraid of dogs, he likes Spike and always has a treat for him.
It's been Spike's day today because he got a Pup Cup at Café Frida this morning. We had the full complement this morning and had a nice conversation about canning (Tobi), lifting rocks (Dan and John) a trip home to England beginning Tuesday (Gail) and bemoaning the fact that he will be on his own for two weeks (Bob). We told him we were here for him....
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