Huff n' Puff

Dandelion Clock blip season is well and truly open in the 42 household. Three nature blips in a row. What's happening?!

Thanks to Mrs42 just out of shot blowing away in between cooking my dinner.

The weather has been more like October than May - rain, wind and ominous clouds. And my day at work kind of matched that. Lots of huffing and puffing there - discovering mistakes that I and others have made and fixing them. Bartering with suppliers for sensible price increases and sensible terms (you'd think they would have noticed we are in the middle of a recession).

Two days until the weekend and my bro-in-law's birthday party :-) Something to look forward to.

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LOTD: I really like Joe's Horatio blip. You know I had never worked that out either. Cracking light and sky in this shot.

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