Saturday 6:46

I woke up needing to go swimming. I pondered on it a while, looked it up and found lane swimming only happens on a Saturday between 7 and 7:45. So I got up and went. It was quite smashing, 54 lengths until they told me to get out so the children could have their lessons. Calmed my head a lot.

Came home, walked the dog, tided and sorted the house. Made the rest of my new bag, right up until the last step when my recycling of the leather strap means I now can’t work out how to make it right. I threw it to one side to come back to with a clearer mind.

Jay is still full of the Covid’s which continues to be rubbish for him. I have discovered that when I am left to my own tv choices on a Saturday night, I watch strictly. Who knew?

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