Lucky Light

An amazing end to the day!
We started by having a very close look at a motorhome we are thinking of buying. It's a bit older than we would have liked, but has a layout we think would suit us perfectly. We need to talk to 'the boss' tomorrow on detail and trade-in.

We then returned Taunton way to look at a slightly newer version which turned out to be not the same. So we ended up booking a site to stay on close to Burnham old lighthouse.  It was going to be a high tide so the whole lighthouse would be surrounded by water.

Had to be done and with the added bonus of a long, stunning sunset. The beach was lined with photographers who had, no doubt, planned their time!! For me there was no planning involved - I just got lucky!!

I used self-timer with long exposure and ND filters built in to the OM1 so I hope to combine several exposures.  The blip pic is a phone snap! The sky really was that colour!!!

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