Rescue Rambles

Guess where I went this morning?.................. I went on the 'Rescue Rambles' walk. One of Ann's friends works at 'Wheal Alfred Kennels' and she had organised a walk for all of us doggies who hadn't had a very good start in life.

I'll be 4 years old in November, so I'm actually a very mature, grown-up little collie pup now. BUT........... three and a half years ago, when Ann first adopted me, I was very scared and alone. I was found in a hedge when I was about 3 months old. ….........And can any of you remember the problems Ann had toilet training me?............. I'm pretty clever, but it took me about 6 months before I realised that wee-ing indoors wasn't appropriate behaviour.

Anyway, we met all the other doggies at the 'Rock Pool' Cafe' at the 'Red River' and walked for about 45 mins. (Lots of photos on FB) This is a photo of me & Luna, the golden retriever, in the pond by the dunes. Luna is 2 years old but she hasn't perfected her recall yet so she has to stay on her long lead.

Adopting a rescue pup is really hard work for our owners................ And yet................. if our owners put in the work and train us properly, they will reap the rewards. My human absolutely loves me and I love her too.

I am the most perfect little collie pup in the world. Apart from my silly puppy jumping up, but even that is getting better.

My human says................... for those of you who would like a dog in your life............... please, please, please, consider adopting a sad, neglected, abandoned doggie, before paying thousands of pounds for a 'designer dog', which tbh isn't going to love you any more than any other doggie would???

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