Chris and a Camera

By Goldeneyes

Right. That's it.

In the middle of this photo, if you look hard enough, is the cheeky face of a baby fox, which came to visit my garden this afternoon.

It is, as you will have noted, an appalling photograph. I have two cameras - three if you count the iPad - a little fella that sits inside a shirt pocket (which took this), and a more powerful sub-SLR Lumix.

I was really busy today and this was as close as I could get to a Blip. The thing is, I would dearly love to take decent nature photographs...and so I found myself at tea time idly checking eBay.


My new Canon EOS 400D SLR should be here midweek. Hopefully in future my nature photos will be a cut above....and I promise I'll give you a better blip tomorrow.

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